Corporate Social Responsibility


Objective 12: Responsible consumption and production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production.

Here we work primarily with sub-goals:

12.1: The 10-year Framework Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns must be implemented and all countries must take action, with developed countries leading the way, taking into account the development and capacities of developing countries.

12.2: By 2030, achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

12.5: By 2030, waste generation will be significantly reduced through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

12.8: By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and knowledge about sustainable development and living in harmony with nature.

We are doing this through the following initiatives:

Green knowledge sharing

Our material database and the work to maintain it ensure relevant green knowledge.

We use this knowledge in our cooperation with customers, suppliers and partners. Our goal is to provide the best conditions for presenting all the green options available in a given project.
For example:

     • CO2-friendly and natural building materials
     • Concepts that are flexible and sustainable
     • Biodiversity where possible
     • Local waste sorting

Our work to constantly keep it up-to-date ensures that we have the latest knowledge in-house.

We make this knowledge available to our customers and partners, so that everyone has the opportunity to get the relevant information about green options for a given project.

Waste sorting

We sort waste.

At our head office in Aulum, we have partnered with Marius Pedersen to handle all our waste, ensuring the best and most environmentally friendly sorting of all our waste - both office and production. And as a customer, you always have the option to opt for local waste sorting in connection with your project.

Replacement to LED

We save on electricity.

At our head office in Aulum, we have changed all light bulbs to LED - an initiative that has resulted in energy savings of more than 70% on lighting. At the same time, we have installed sensors in all rooms to ensure that the lights are only on when they are needed; measures that help ensure that we use no more resources than necessary.